Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pipers first trip to the pumpkin patch! We had a great time, I wanted to take more photos, but the massive amounts of mud got in the way.

enjoying some sweet peas
Piper was very excited to stay up past her bedtime to celebrate dad's birthday.

She was sitting up when we grabbed the camera...

Piper showing her tough girl skills by pulling poor Hugo's hair, we are now working on being a lover not a fighter.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

baby piper and auntie danielle
so cozy, sorry you dont like this pic, I don't know how to remove it

its a stare down
im not sure what she is telling me here
first time meeting grandma kimm in hawaii
Piper, daddy and grandpa senior in hawaii
hahaha laughing at auntie danielle